Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm Back....

I want to start off with, apologizing for no new posts... I've been in a funk lately, I can't explain it, and I don't know why.  I suppose, that with work slowing down, my utter and complete exhaustion had caught up with me.. It was a rough tax season for me.  I like to think im Superwoman, and I can do it all,  I will feel like a failure if I can't be a loyal employee and a devoted mother and wife.  Truth of it is, I just ran myself into the ground.  Having just had a baby, and returning to work so soon really did a number on me. I'm finally feeling a little more like myself.  I even gave myself a mini make-over with a new hair do...

The girls are doing great! Olivia can officially roll over and back again. Such a big girl. If she was able to get up on all fours, she would be crawling all over the place.  I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet... She had her 4 month old check up last week, which was a little late, because she will be five months tomorrow.   She weighs, 14 1/2 pounds, and she is 25 inches long.  She got her shots, and a clean bill of health.

Ok, Sadie has made me a proud mommy.  She graduated Preschool yesterday.  I know for some this may seem like a silly event.  I feel that it is a big accomplish though.  It's a whole new chapter for her, and for us as parents... She had a great year in school, with some amazing teachers, who I feel really helped prepare her for Kindergarten.  We are hoping that she will be attending St. Mary's Charter School for the next 5 years.  She is such a big girl, and she will do amazing things.

So for now, we are just going to enjoy the summer and hang out!

Til my fingers dance again......

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011...

Every year, on this day, I usually wake up a little sad.  I realize that this is not the way I should start the day, but my mind wanders to 2 women I wish I could be spending the day with.....
My step-mom, who died 15 years ago, was an amazing, take no crap kind of lady.  Someone, you respected, loved and admired.  She was taken to soon from this world, leaving behind two 6 years old twin daughters, a 10 year old son, and myself... I think of her all the time, and I try really hard to take the things she taught me and use them everyday.  I miss her smell, and her smile. I miss how she always made me feel that even though we shared no blood, I was her daughter.  I wish my daughters could have known her, but I try to remember that she is looking down from Heaven. 

My step-mom in Calfornia is another amazing woman.  ( by the way, if you don't know my family background, your probably a little confused by now, trust me it's a long story, maybe it will be blog worthy one day).... She is a blessing that came into my life 10 years ago.  From the first day I met her, she made me feel like more than just a step-daughter, she also made me feel like I was hers.  She is someone I can speak openly too, without feeling like she is judging me or critizing me.  She is patient, kind,and loving. She has an amazing heart, and I'm truly blessed to have her in my life.  Distance keeps us from each other, but love keeps us close. 

Both of these women have had huge impacts in my life.  They have shown me, in different ways how to be a good mother, and I try everyday to follow in their footsteps.  If I'm half the mom they were and are, I will be doing good.  I hope I am making them proud... 

Mother's Day, for me has not been a big deal in past years, but with Sadie being older, she is starting to understand the day....This is what we did today...
It started with a nice morning in church, followed with breakfast with my in-laws, followed up with a trip out to my dad's ranch for lunch. I am very blessed to have a loving mother in law, sisters,sister in laws, aunt and grandma, to spend my day with.  Along, with my husband, father in law, dad, brother and brother in law...

Sadie made her daddy take her to the store, to buy my mother's day present yesterday.  She picked out a pretty plant, and cute card.  I received beautiful cards from family members, and some pieces of jewelry, and flowers..

All in all, it was a very nice day.  Now, as I sit here typing this up, my husband, and my daughters are knocked out on the couch.  You would think I would be joining them, but the laundry doesn't care that it's Mother's day..

Being a mom is one of the greatest things I've done in my life. I'm very lucky to have such precious gifts from God calling me mommy....

Happy Mother's Day to all you mommies, and for those of you who aren't yet, your time will come.....

Til my fingers dance again......much love.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Couldn't be a Prouder Mommy!!

It was a big day in the Lugo household!!

But first, I'll update you on how the weekend went.....
For the last week I've been fighting a sinus infection, so Saturday was a very laid back day in our household.
I did laundry, and cleaned up a little, but for the most part I just tried to relax.  Sunday, we attended church, and headed to my in-laws for lunch.  Adrian, wasn't feeling good so we just took it easy.  It was nice to be in comfy clothes, and lounging in bed with the girls and the hubby. It's not very often we get to do that...

Olivia, turned 4 months old on the 28th, where did the time go.. :(  It's seems like just yesterday, when we brought her home from the hospital.  She is reaching a lot of milestones these past few weeks.  She can now roll from her back to her tummy, she is eating baby food, and sleeps through the nite.  For the most part she is a very good baby.  She cries when she is hungry, and overly tired..  I am very blessed, that both my girls were and are good babies.. I believe she is starting to teeth, she is a drool machine, and everything goes into her mouth.  She is getting so big, so fast.  She smiles at people she recognizes and is starting to laugh... I'm glad I am not working as much now, I don't want to miss all this fun stuff...

Ok, now for the big news. Are you ready?? Sadie can tie her shoes!!  I know it may seem like I am overly excited about this accomplishment, but the main reason is because she learned how to do it in 30 minutes!
I sat her down, showed her how to do it twice, made her practice it 3 or 4 times and she had it down in no time.  I'm extremely proud of her, but then there is that other piece of me that's wondering what did I just do.  She is growing up, and I don't think I'm ready for it.  The other day, Adrian and I were commenting on how much older she seems.  She is so smart, and funny.  She comes up with the most clever comments, and her vocabulary is so big.  Her favorite word this past week is, "earlier"  She uses it a lot.  Pre- K graduation is 3 weeks away, I'm going to be a mess that day..

So as you can see, not much to report on the homefront.  It's always the same stuff, different day around here, with a few milestones to share.  I hope you all had a great weekend, and have a fabulous week....

Til my fingers dance again, love and happiness! <3