Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's not good bye, it's see you soon.....

Hi everyone!!

It's been a few days since I wrote last, but I've been busy enjoying a visit with my mom from California.  The girls and I picked her up from the San Antonio airport last Friday, it was so great to have her here.  We hadn't seen her since Adrian and I got married in 2009.  Of course 7 days is not nearly a long of enough visit, but I'm very grateful for the time we had.  Sadie had the greatest time with her.  They played constantly, (coffee tea party).  It was so great to see my daughter enjoy her grandma.  Olivia did well with her too.  Mom is awesome with kids, it's going to be hard to meet Sadie's expectations from now on... Momo Janis is just too much fun. We didn't do very much while she was here, just mostly hung out at home and relaxed.  I worked during the week, and mom stayed home with Olivia.  I must say I felt very spoiled having her around.  My coffee in the morning was just a little better because I was sharing it with her, dishes weren't so bad because she was right there with me, and the overall effect of having my mommy here is just too hard to put into words....
Today, mom went back to California.  It was a hard goodbye for Sadie this morning, before dropping her off at school,  I think she feels like she will never see Momo again.  The drive to San Antonio seemed so short today, and before I knew it we were at the Southwest terminal.  I hugged her long and hard, and thanked her for coming to see us.  Olivia was sleeping, and thankfully had know idea what was going on, because I don't think I could have handled two heartbroken children.  When I picked up Sadie from school, she was so sad.  She kept asking for her Momo over and over again. I kept telling her that we would see her again soon, and not to be so sad.  She did better, until bedtime.  My poor baby was crying for her momo so bad,  I had to leave the room because I was crying just as hard.  It hurt me so bad to see my baby so upset, and I had no way to make it better.  I decided to call my mom, and ask her to speak with Sadie, I thought it might help for her to hear from her.... My mom promised her a coffee tea party :), over the phone with her on Saturday morning.  Sadie was still sad when they hung up and it was a good 10 minutes or so before I could get her to completely calm down.  I know she will be ok, but it's so hard on the heart to see her that way.
It was a great week, and I can't wait until my parents are here for good (5 more years).  There is nothing like having your mommy around.  It's been a long day, and I'm emotionally drained.  I hope y'all had a wonderful week!

So until my next dance with the well :)


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Doctor Day.....

Hi All!

Well, today was spent in Victoria at the doctors.  Both the girls had check ups.  Sadie weighed  in at 45 pounds and is healthy... music to a mother's ears,  we all know that sick kids are the worst, and even more so when they are your own.  No one likes to see their baby suffer, so to know that they get a clean bill of health, reassures me i'm doing a good job.  Well at least with one of my girl's.  Olivia is weighing in at a healthy 12 pounds 12 ounces, so no worries there, her development is right where it should be for a 3 month old...Yay!  But, my poor baby girl has been put on breathing treatments, she has a touch of bronchitis, and allergies.  Hopefully the treatments will work, and she will get better.  I know it's not my fault that she has these things, but as a mommy I feel helpless that I can't prevent illness from happening.   All in all they are doing good, and I thank the good Lord for watching over my babies.

We are now anticipating the arrival of Momo Janis, (my mom from California).  She flys in tomorrow and will be here thru next Thursday... I'm very excited that my mom will be here, she will be meeting Olivia for the first time, she hasn't seen Sadie for a year and a half.  I'm very much looking forward to sharing my morning coffee with my mommy, and much needed girl talk.  Next Thursday will come to soon, but I'm very grateful for the time we are going to have with her.

Tomorrow is a few hours of work for mommy, and a few hours of school for Sadie, and then we will be on the road to San Antonio. So, with that being said I'm off to bed for some much needed rest.

Until my fingers dance with the keyboard again... be happy :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

I've Been Inspired....

Ok, so I had this crazy idea to start a blog.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  I have a lot of things I want to share about my life as a mommy, although I have no idea where to begin. I guess as the old saying goes," Just start from the beginning".

I became a mommy in July of 2006, she weighed 8 pounds and was 21 inches long.  Never in my life have I ever felt the way I did when they placed my baby girl in my arms for the first time.  As I looked down at her I couldn't believe that I could  fall instantly in love with this perfect little person.  I cried tears of joy, and sent up a prayer asking God to give me whatever it was going to take to be a good mother.  Sadie Renee is now almost 5 years old, and I must say they have been the most wonderful 5 years of my life.  Now, it's not always been easy, and for the most part it's actually really hard. I'm responsible for the upbringing of a person who will one day be an adult. The choices that my daughter will make when she is older, is going to be a reflection of the things her father and I instilled in her.  No pressure, right?  Sadie continues to amaze me on a daily basis, she is so smart and it's so interesting to see the different traits she has picked up between her daddy and I.  She is a lot like her daddy, but she loves like her mommy.... Sadie has the biggest, kindest heart.  She doesn't like to see anyone sad, and she will try her best to make you laugh if you are.  I couldn't imagine my life without Sadie, and I hope it's a very long time before I have to.....
With that being said,  God has blessed me with another precious life to take care of...  Olivia Riann was born on December 28, 2010, the best late Christmas present ever!  She weighed 7 pounds 12 oz, and was 20 1/2 inches long.  A little smaller than her big sister, but a workout to bring in to this world.  My husband and I waited 2 long years for this bundle of joy, and now we are cherishing every moment.  It's going to be very interesting to see the similarities and differences between Sadie & Olivia.  I do know that my husband and I are going to have our hands full with these girls, but I'm hoping that they take everything that their daddy and I are teaching them and use it well.

I wanted to start this blog for all the mommies that are just like me, spending their days running after kids, and loving every moment of it.  Sure, i'm exhausted at the end of the day and I can barely keep my eyes open to watch a little t.v. with the hubby, but my kids are healthy and safe, and look so darn cute when they are sleeping :)  I'm going to try and write every couple days to tell y'all what the girlie's are up to, and the memories we are making.

So until my fingers dance with the keyboard again, keep at it mommies... :)